Good, Bad, Good, N Great News Bois and Girls on this "Dreaming" ruruko cutie!
Good: our Allotment has been Confirmed.
Bad: We are only allocated 10 pcs at this time See Comment Below for those who are Confirmed.
Good: a 2nd Session Ordering will take place with
A Deadline of Dec 18th. Dolls for this order will be available mid 2015.
Great News: This 2nd Session will be Made to order - so all orders are basically Confirmed. Those of you who did not make the 10 - we can automatically Transfer you to this list.
-Pls do drop us a line if you wish for us to do so or get a Refund on your deposit.
-pls Note: if you will go ahead and continue with the order, balances will be due soon after.
Release Date: Mid 2015
Ordering Deadline: dec 17th, 2014
(Taiwan Time)
Retail Price: US$149.00 per doll
Deposit US$40.00 per doll
Do Remember, an order is Not an order till Deposit is Received!
PLS NOTE: DEPOSITS can be made through PAYPAL
PP ID to pay is:
Note: Pls do drop me a line upon sending in your deposit.
Deposits are Non Refundable and/or Non Transferable.